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Exciton transport in thin-film cyanine dye J-aggregates




We present a theoretical model for the study of exciton dynamics inJ-aggregated monolayers of fluorescent dyes. The excitonic evolution isdescribed by a Monte-Carlo wave function approach which allows for a unifieddescription of the quantum (ballistic) and classical (diffusive) propagation ofan exciton on a lattice in different parameter regimes. The transition betweenthe ballistic and diffusive regime is controlled by static and dynamicdisorder. As an example, the model is applied to three cyanine dyeJ-aggregates: TC, TDBC, and U3. Each of the molecule-specific structure andexcitation parameters are estimated using time-dependent density functionaltheory. The exciton diffusion coefficients are calculated and analyzed fordifferent degrees of film disorder and are correlated to the physicalproperties and the structural arrangement of molecules in the aggregates.Further, exciton transport is anisotropic and dependent on the initial excitonenergy. The upper-bound estimation of the exciton diffusion length in the TDBCthin-film J-aggregate is of the order of hundreds of nanometers, which is ingood qualitative agreement with the diffusion length estimated fromexperiments.
机译:我们提出了一个理论模型,用于研究荧光染料的J聚集单分子层中的激子动力学。激子演化是通过蒙特卡罗波函数方法来描述的,该方法允许对激子在不同参数范围内的量子(弹道)和经典(扩散)传播进行统一描述。弹道与扩散状态之间的过渡受静态和动态混乱的控制。例如,该模型应用于三种花菁染料J聚集体:TC,TDBC和U3。使用随时间变化的密度泛函理论估算每个分子的特定结构和激发参数。计算和分析了不同膜失衡程度的激子扩散系数,它们与聚集体中分子的物理性质和结构排列有关。此外,激子迁移是各向异性的,并取决于初始激子能量。 TDBC薄膜J聚集体中激子扩散长度的上限估计约为数百纳米,与实验估计的扩散长度在定性上吻合不佳。



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